About Abe

Business Photography by Abe Mazza

Photography has always been my first true love beginning at age 11 when I bought my first Nikon camera and had a darkroom in the basement.  I continued imaging in the film days with my high school yearbook. Later Temple University’s School of Architecture, and a minor in Ecologic Science deepened my love and understanding for nature, design and their relationship of man in today’s world.

Fast forward to the digital age and I am finally able to fulfill a lifelong journey to be a full time photographic artist.

Learning early that to produce a quality final product one must have the best equipment. My investment in the best Nikon equipment has proven this to be very true.

My diverse life experiences provides me with a unique and original perspective on design, style, architecture and nature.

Accomplished in a multitude of skills and trades and sports contributes to a deep appreciation and understanding of just how the world works.

The philosophy of photography is more than clicking a shutter, its appreciating, interpreting and translating  the client’s visions into digital images.

Jupiter Yacht Club

Contact Abe for further information on Business Photography